Sock Monsters Invade Earth

Sock Monsters Invade Earth


Sock Monsters invade Earth, to torment little children
They eat one sock, leaving one
Laugh out loud when the children are blamed, they giggle
To hear the parents fuss about.
The Sock Monsters lurk about, waiting,
To swipe that sock from humans
Devouring it for their food.
Human boys and girls discover this
When one sock vanishes into thin air and
Their parents throw up arms
In despair and lecture the offspring
To take more care. Sock
Monsters watch and wait, patiently about
To strike when the washer is full,
To swipe one sock
And leave the other. Sock Monsters
Are mischievous creatures, who
Love to torment
Children. They love the socks, and
Puzzles too, and have even taken
A shoe or two.
Sock-land is found underground, under the house,
Tunnels are formed from
Socks and puzzles
Making it a strange world, indeed.
Children have seen the Sock Monster
Appear, looking just like their twin. When
The parents hear, they laugh
Or scold, about the fairy stories told.
Looking back, some adults might
Find within their soul, a
Flicker of a memory, of
Times when as a child,
They remember their Sock Monster
Appear, and grin at them with
Great delight when they were scolded
And reprimanded just as they scold now.

© 62013 Dalene Davies

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